i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 1, 2021 22:07:42 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]EXCURSION: METEOR VILLAGE





METEOR FALLS WAS ONCE HOME TO AN ANCIENT PEOPLE. The Ultra Beast War has made its mark on the mountainscape, and although Pokemon and the government alike, have done much to restore the land to its original condition, scars run deep. New caverns have been discovered— and the remains of an old village deep within the earth.




DEEP IN METEOR FALLS, the League has discovered the old ruins of a place called Meteor Village. Professor Creighton has recently sent out a distress signal, proclaiming that a series of Claydol have reactivated themselves making escape impossible. They patrol the area relentlessly, firing HYPER BEAMS at anything they deem to be foreign.[break][break]


  • 🌋 At least 1 AVATAR power must be used.
  • 🌋 will capture a glimpse of what the village looked like in the past, filled with a rich culture and society of draconid people.
  • 🌋 will prove his skills & worth to Rocket in some fashion.
  • 🌋 's familial ties with archaeology grants him a well of knowledge; he'll be able to find a tyrantrum fossil that when put into the fossil machine, will summon a full tyrantrum that he can capture afterward.
  • At least 1 Pokemon must mega evolve involuntarily due to the concentration of mega energy exposed from the ruins/rock.
  • Use the old village ruins for cover/creative combat.
  • Avoid attacks from the Regidrago; you will not be able to defeat or capture this Pokemon. Furthermore, it will not use its DRAGONE ENERGY attack.
  • Rocket & League must attempt to secure fragments from a fallen meteorite (total of five obtainable). The Regidrago seems to be patroling around it, making the operation risky. It is up to you all to decide how many fragments go to each faction.
  • Destroy all ancient Claydol.
  • Professor Creighton, would have been in the middle of researching fossils found within the area. Use his FOSSIL REVIVAL MACHINE in creative ways for combat, including reviving fossils in the nearby area.
  • The League must rescue Professor Creighton.
  • End the thread on the 5th page (if you can!).

Objectives marked by the 🌋 are special objectives unlocked by the presence of particular characters.[break][break][break][break]



PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. To ensure these events run smoothly, you must communicate with your thread partners and are able to keep up with them. Please let your partners know if you will be busy, lose interest, or find yourself unable to post.[break][break]

  • Always exercise courtesy, maturity and patience.
  • To receive FULL REWARDS, you must check off every single objective. Feel free to keep track in post notes.
  • There is NO POSTING ORDER that you need to maintain; however, be respectful and allow characters to contribute.
  • Offer openings or opportunities for other characters. These events are not one-man shows.
  • Decide upon a reasonable time for posting in your group; if a thread partner is unable to engage well enough, skip or replace them.
  • Since these threads will often feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • A TL;DR (too long; didn't read) with your posts is not mandatory, but helpful.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON May 5, 2021 22:06:06 GMT

❝Into formation.❞

Fernando hunches at the edge of the cliffside that oversees this level of Meteor Falls. He keeps low, kneeling on one knee, in accordance with the distress signal from earlier. True to his word, Professor Creighton’s warnings about the reactivated Claydol prove true.

Simple and clean.” He readjusts the sleeve to his dominant hand, covering the Comfey that wraps around his wristwatch. “Let’s avoid being obtrusive.

Below, two Claydols circle in routine patterns. Every time they come to a stop, their eyes alternate between open and close, eliciting a robotic beep before pivoting into traveling in a different direction.

Further down, behind them, in the recesses of the tunnel’s darkness are the lower levels exposed by the Three Day War. Despite the Adventours embarked, the trainers have only delved into a fraction of these uncharted depths, leaving much to be explored.

Unrelated, a swarm of Zubat brush past, escaping to the levels above. When they expose themselves into the open air, a HYPERBEAM disperses them into a swarm of blue dots, desperate to evade the attention of the Claydol underneath them.

Precision is crucial. We’re not here to make a scene.

They’re here to extract what they can. Saving Professor Creighton comes second. But Fernando never admits that aloud.


- observes the patrolling claydols.
- allies gather near the entrance to the lower floors.
- highlights the importance of focusing on the objective.
- a swarm of zubat show how alert the claydol are.

[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #90c1f9; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]

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nukenin, ranger killer
october 31st
fuchsia city, kanto
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mugen
POSTED ON May 6, 2021 2:53:17 GMT
mugen Avatar
[attr="class","light"]"talk about the luck of the draw! that's a leaguer, ain't it!?"

a snicker was heard.

"luna, look, you were right! the stars were aligned!"

a feminine voice said with glee.

"the cosmos whisper that today misfortune will befall both the league and this region, sun-sun."

a soft and quiet statement followed, manifested from the voice box of a mysterious woman.


a yawn would escape the tired individual.

"it's as our lady of the night said, is never wrong. such an admirable woman!"

the sound of incessant typing was heard after the following statement was made.

mugen didn't expect to get stacked with a group of mixed personalities. his luck was shit. the stars weren't exactly aligned for him. he had little to no idea who any of these people were. all that he knew was that served as team leader upon this assignment. what the rest did wasn't exactly his problem.

"oi, oi, you're all so damn noisy..." he lazily spoke to the four of them. "can't you all shut up or get lost or somethin'...?" mugen had casually found himself placed flat on his back staring up at the sky. he wondered when the show was about to begin. "oi, poindexter," he spoke to the individual possessing a laptop in his hand. "remind me again why we're here?"

the one he called "poindexter" became infuriated by mugen's chosen nickname for him. the individual that praised rocket's head scientist would begin to inform the group to their being here. "it is our objective to ensure that the league cannot obtain the fragments they seek. our squadron was formed out of the data i gathered on everyone here, led by our fearless admin ! as a member of this team you will do well to listen to our great admin!" mugen dozed off in the middle of the individual's explanation. he was immensely bored.

as they waited for the arrival of and . they would come to await, allowing for league ( or rather silph faction ) to purposely get ahead of them. each person here was gathered for one reason or another. the group remained out of sight for now.

standing from his 'rocky seat' mugen would stretch out his arm. "so, from what i understand, you rejects will be playing with-slash-picking up rocks like children who never had a friend at recess?" the 'poindexter' would try to interject, but he would be halted with a single finger. "i don't get off to rocks, i prefer people. so tell the goddamn 'admin' and his lackey to hurry the hell up." he'd hold a knife taken from his waist bag and placed it to the male's throat.

"you wouldn't like me when i'm bored. i'd hate to kill one of lulu's pets." mugen forewarned the rocket grunt.


- nothing important happened, mugen and the npc brady bunch saw (and co.?) enter ahead of them.

- mugen is sitting back with a bunch of npcs waiting for and to show.

- they're just talking amongst themselves for now. nothing worth reading, just a opener! o7 was gonna add images of how they look, but i'm lazy rn. so just have a post, hehe.

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[newclass=.light b]color: #dea02c[/newclass]
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Nov 24th
Neos City
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Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
POSTED ON May 6, 2021 5:16:56 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Step into the fire[break]This is my magnum opus
Step into the fire[break]This is my magnum opus


I feel it coming now, It's too late to shut it down. Over the mountain now, I'm Burning the valley down. I don't know where my mind is.




Somewhere in the back of his mind, Xander knows this is a bad idea. That he's likely ill-equipped and too inexperienced to handle a mission of this magnitude. He needn't look any further than the other trainers around him to know that. They're clearly people of importance and power.


Xander's a minnow swimming with sharks, pretending to be bigger and stronger than he really is. And yet, he doesn't care. His usual pessimism is overshadowed by his concern for Professor Creighton. A friend and respected colleague of his father's. His old man always spoke highly of the professor. While he's never met Creighton personally, sitting by while his father loses a friend isn't something he can do.


's words barely register to Xander as he speaks. The redhead's too busy sketching to keep his anxiety under control. Golden eyes glance up from a half-finished drawing of the business tycoon. "Gotcha." he replies dryly and returns to his sketch.


notes about this post

- Sketching Fern and waiting for the others.
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON May 6, 2021 8:44:20 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

she had feared she'd be a bundle of nerves at this point. but considering that she was presently under orders and trusted her superior's intellect, cait found herself to be generally untroubled. once she'd absorbed fernando's additional orders - which were plainly stated prior to their undertaking; she'd allow her gaze to wander. the woman took in the sight of their companions and the scene presently sprawled out before them, her eyes alight with interest and open curiosity. 

'an old world buried beneath the new one. strangely poetic.' 

her research prior to the mission had resulted in her discovering that an ancient and draconid people lived here. remnants of their civilizations were discovered, their history partially documented in modern text. she took a step closer, her eyes rounding as she settled at fernando's side. 
"sir, i've never seen - "

she fell abruptly silent, her brows furrowing as cait experienced what she deeply suspected to be the onset of another headache. 

'but - ... why?'

the woman became worryingly stiff, moving not an inch as she closed her eyes and opened them. an intense green glow covered her orbs, momentarily rendering her blind to the world around her as she sucked in a breath. an image of the past was seen, as though a lens had encompassed the entirety of her gaze. 



cait's breaths escaped her in thin pants as she witnessed the lives of people who had lived and died eons ago. their garb were composed of a combination cloth and skins, the humans bearing ancient weapons and working alongside one another. it vaguely reminded her of the simple life she lived upon her tribe's compound.

the vision ended with a startling abruptness, a harsh stinging present in her eyes but her mind locking onto the images of the past. cait's eyes gradually lost their glow, her head shaking firmly from side to side before she reached to rub her face.

that - ... that's the second time now," she murmured, visibly exasperated. 

'let's just hope it doesn't happen again. and preferably not down there.' 

her head ached and she massaged her temples, her freckled features pulled into a tight grimace. 


- cait accepts 's orders and looks around.
- the objective ' cait alfric will capture a glimpse of what the village looked like in the past, filled with a rich culture and society of draconid people.' is fufilled when she has a proper view of the village.
- suffers from a mild headache that gradually ebbs away. 

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 6:17:01 GMT

Her pause alone is no cause for alarm but it does divert his attention. He cuts his gaze into her own, wincing from the intensity of her light. An immediate turn away manages to reduce the way the light burns into his irises but the damage is already done.

From this point on he can only consider her a liability.


He doesn’t have time for this. They have a mission to complete. It’s the only reason why he dares infringe on another.

Keep an eye on her as well,” he passes a pointed look at with a clear designation of duties.

The only other thing to do is slowly move forward. Picking off the first set of Claydols should be easy.

Meanwhile, Fernando does well to remain wary. After his last excursion, he doesn’t dare chance his safety on promptness alone. Not far from Mugen and his entourage, several smalls pieces of rock shift. Something CAMOUFLAGED lurks nearby. For the average person, it’s nothing more than background noise in the echoed chambers of Meteor Falls.

To a hunter, it’s competition, someone lying in wait for their prey to present themselves.


- asks to watch over .
- zygarde uses CAMOUFLAGE to watch over and npcs

[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #90c1f9; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]

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nukenin, ranger killer
october 31st
fuchsia city, kanto
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mugen
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 8:57:02 GMT
mugen Avatar
[attr="class","light"]the individual that had just been threatened would come to gently shove the weapon away. "violence is not needed to get your way. if all goes according to plan, then we should be able to do what is needed and succeed with efficiency." the 'poindexter' stated. before continuing with his explanation, he would add, "and my codename is delta."

each person here was then handed a device. "some of you have been assigned a respective target. each with their own recorded information gathered from the base, provided by moi, and their previous history involving rocket." a photo of each individual apart of 's team was seen upon the device. their respective photos were rightfully captured before having entered.

in unison sun-sun and luna would say, "isn't this ?" a famous name that's constantly thrown about in rocket. he was considered a natural enemy, practically public enemy #1 for their faction. that's when mugen's ear perked. "who is he?" delta would proceed to explain all that was known since rocket's first encounter with the man. as mugen listened he could do nothing more than grin.

there wasn't much known about . though the male had a powerful physique that ushered mugen's desire to test the water . his attention wasn't sought after 'what ifs', but rather someone with more concrete history. delta provided mugen with just that. , , and . one of them that stood out the most was .

"and the two women alongside him are considered important?" mugen would ask. a nod was given in response by delta. "perfect." he'd call out his partnered pokemon seviper. "coil," he would order it. the black mamba then proceeded to do as requested. it would come to slither around mugen's torso and upper body nice and tight.

the well-versed killer proceeded to check his toolkit. once everything was accounted for, he would double check his hook swords. he wanted to ensure their sharpened edge were up to snuff. after all, they were generously updated by rocket per his request for something more akin to the armored body of a aggron.

mugen's face became a tint of red. he could feel the presence of strength from afar, call it a hunch if you will. the sound of shifting rock would cause the male's ear to perk. he would say nothing for the time being. "silph was it? so that's the infamous 'one-man army' i heard so much about back at the base." mugen was ready to go.

"i'll give the cap'n of this op. another minute, but after that..." mugen grinned menacingly. "i'm gonna have some fun and kick up a fuss."


- mugen is talking with the npcs, so this is a filler post tbh nothing to read yet
- delta gives a rundown of what rocket knows so far about you lot, currently is unknown due to lack of data.
- each of them were given a target to deal with. so i may or may not throw a npc your way in the later pages for funsies.
- is giving another minute to come, after that mugen's going off on his own
- may or may not bring sun-sun and luna with him :ipretendidonotsee:
- mugen is infatuated with what he's respectively learned so far about you, mainly
- called out seviper

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 375px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.light b]color: #a681af[/newclass]

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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 10:41:22 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait immediately released an indignant sputter as she addresses

i do not need a - "

she wisely cuts herself off, aware that it'd be best to hold her tongue. her respect for her superior far surpassed all else, the woman simply squeezing her hands into tight fists as she averted her gaze and accepted his judgement. 

'what was that, celebi?' 

- a mere glimpse of this settlement's past. i suspect this little phenomenon is a potential byproduct of the poison that presently runs through your veins, child. -

a look of rage passes over her dainty features, the woman's strange gaze narrowing. her eyes would soon catch upon the sight of xander, her expression softening momentarily. 

i'm fine," she informed. "it was just a..."

cait paused briefly, visibly mulling over her next words. 

... a vision. it won't happen again."

- we can only hope, - celebi remarks, their voice leaking into her skull. 


- isn't at all pleased with being 'babysat'
- discreetly questions celebi and the legendary responds with semi-decent guesswork. 
- assures that she's fine. 

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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 16:56:28 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar

Step into the fire[break]This is my magnum opus
Step into the fire[break]This is my magnum opus


I feel it coming now, It's too late to shut it down. Over the mountain now, I'm Burning the valley down. I don't know where my mind is.




The redhead tucks his sketchbook inside his backpack and releases his Lucario from its Poke Ball. It's time to move, or so he thinks until light flashes from 's eyes. Puzzled, he stares at the woman as she goes....somewhere else.


Xander's never seen anything like it, but apparently, it's something that's happened before. Lips curl into a frown, and concern fills his eyes. doesn't seem to share Xander's empathy. Nonetheless, the man gives an order, and Xander nods.


"Yeah, I won't leave her side." he affirms, much to the woman's chagrin. Her anger as she looks at Fern is unsettling. When she turns to face Xander, the redhead worries she might snap at him. Instead, her features soften.


He blinks. "A vision?" no idea what to make of that. "Are you psychic or something?" Xander's not paying attention as Silph ventures off on his own. But Lucario is, and he follows along after the man. Ready to offer whatever protection it can in case Fern encounters trouble.


notes about this post

- Xander releases his Lucario.[break]
- Agrees to watch over .[break]
- Lucario joins as he moves towards the village and encounters .
[attr="class","morhuman3-bot"][attr="class","th th-pencil"]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 22:33:20 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the return had been inevitable. at some point, one way or another, she would end up back here. to do what she had not before, to succeed where she had failed. it's funny, really... the irony almost tastes like blood.

"sir," she murmurs to 's side, stepping up from the background. dirt coats her boots and her nose scrunches with mild contempt. she hates it here. her vision goes red once in a while, memories of the past war, the past carnage, filling in empty spaces left by what she can't see past. a mild shake of her head and the beginning of pink tendrils escaping from her nostrils are all she shows for discomfort.

the task is more important right now, memories be damned.

"where do you want to begin?" simple, to the point. she is, after all, a weapon at silph's disposal. despite him utilizing her skills in both the lab and less becoming places, she's here more for herself than him. it's difficult to tell where that line blurs but she knows one thing: she is the healing backbone for such an endeavor.

pink mist bleeds from her skin, coiling and constricting akin to a boa before fading. a preparation, a safety net, a security that's absolutely necessary. she steps close enough to for the healing effects to settle, to ease what she can of the woman's migraine. a faint smile rises in her direction before she's stepping up to overlook what lies ahead.

silently, she's left to survey. what lies between her and the possible restoration she needs is considerably deadly... those claydol are unfortunately not fucking around. is she willing to risk it for what they can extract?

if it means power... then yes, yes she is.


- introduction post tbh
- asks ferny where to start
- steps closer to cait with her psychic terrain in an attempt to ease her pain
- yeah that's about it really
ps: party is currently being sorted ignore the current selection

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 8, 2021 7:30:29 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
a prince must imitate both a lion and a fox

Like an otherworldly wound oozing hundreds of miniature ghostly Dreepy, a shadowy portal spreads open from the rocky wall facing and his companions. And, like an eldritch horror emerging from this wound, Yotrogast the Shadow Dragapult greets them with an unnatural grin cutting across its mouth.

The beast, darkened and soulless, crawls out from this portal on all fours with its masked master standing atop its head. Hanging on the man's shoulder is a young Smeargle with thick bags under its eyes. It clings tight as the man dismounts his beast, assessing each of the individuals there with a quiet look. When he speaks his voice is deep, and only slightly muffled. His Galarian accent is absent. "Some new faces this time, I see."

With a mere gesture, he sends his Dragapult off into another portal it creates, disappearing into its shadow world until it is summoned once more. "For those of you who don't know of me: I'm Admin Fox. You'll only address me as such over our comms."

The masked admin turns to afterwards. The man was rather imposing in stature. Perfect muscle. The profile photo he'd seen in his report didn't do him justice. 

"I've scouted at least three different exit routes... and a handful we can blast open if need be." He nods, striding past him afterwards. Though obscured, sharp cobalt eyes shift to and fro with all the caution and perceptiveness of a lion mid-hunt. He stops.

Small rocks take a tumble nearby. The erratic and robotic chirping of ancient Claydol echo throughout these antediluvian caverns. Something is most definitely amiss.

"We need to get moving. Locating and securing the meteorite fragments is our greatest priority." Then, not bothering to turn over his shoulder, he asks:

"Where's the kid?" ( )

tl;dr: Covertly scouted the boundaries of the area to find a few entry points. Not much in this post besides him introducing himself to the team as Admin Fox, and sensing something amiss. Dragapult lurks in shadows while Smeargle hangs off his shoulder.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 6:13:06 GMT
Dispatch the Claydol at the same time.

An order that’s simple on paper but harder in practice. The moment one is under duress the other is sure to attack. Fernando taps a Pokeball on his hips and points his Smeargle at the one farthest away.

Hit it on cue. In tandem, Comfey.

There’s a shrill squeal from his wrist. The Pokemon worn accessory scrunches its facial expression tight before spitting out several seeds. Each one lands with a soft plop, sprouting vines that dig their way into the soil and rumble underneath.

Battle routine set.

They pass with time, evidently moving away.


A few moments later a GRASS KNOT starts to bud from underneath the Claydol. A web of leaves and stems uproot themselves to tether the Pokemon in place before a timely SNIPE SHOT nails one of its open eyes. Like a piston revolver, several shots in rapid succession batter the same Claydol until it falls from the sky, lifeless.

He assumes the others can handle the other just as discreetly.


- brings out his smeargle.
- uses GRASS KNOT to hold one in place.
- faints the first one with repeated SNIPE SHOTS.
- relies on team to handle the other before proceeding.

[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #90c1f9; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 21:03:31 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


”Don't get in my way, and if you do, don't ask for help.” a warning echoes through the small device other rocket members were provided with. It's the only message Katherine cares to give out, a hushed whisper that the Bluetooth earphone manages to pick up.

It's been a while since she last wore this mask. Months ago, it was used during Rocket's attack on the tree in Littleroot. Today, it'll be used to mask her identity while she attempts to steal some sort of artifact. Thankfully, she had experience with doing that.

Belladona, her Scolipede, remains by her side. The bug-type's many legs skitter on the ground as the pokemon begins to pick up speed, slowly but surely enhancing its natural stats.

The report from the League disclosed that a number of Claydol patrolled the area, so Katherine prepared herself by sending out a couple more pokemon: both a tiny Zorua who remained on her shoulder and her more familiar Mimikyu. With its beady eyes, the ghost-type stared forward blankly. Unlike its trainer, it was filled with much less determination. No— it was void of emotions entirely.

- katherine arrives. she's late.
- katherine is masked and disguised. (x)
- belladona remains by her side. its SPEED BOOST is active, passively increasing the pokemon's speed each turn (1/6).
- sends out her zorua and mimikyu, mostly because she expects to notice a claydol or two soon.

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ EXCURSION

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #D5B259; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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February 27
Lumiose City
55 height
55 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ezrazeke
Ezra Zeke
POSTED ON May 9, 2021 22:51:23 GMT
Ezra Zeke Avatar

Time is the purest cure for the deepest wounds. It is often all one needs. And yet, time is the very thing Ezra Zeke lacked. Since the last excursion he had spent many restless nights rattling beneath his blankets, sobbing himself to sleep. But duty came knocking on his door yesterday, as always, and it beckoned for the hollow man to prepare himself for another excursion. Another test of his merit.

And so, here he was, clutching desperately at his dwindling mentality, praying he would at least be free from seeing her again. “Uh, here?” Walking up towards the group of villains was the ‘boy’ himself. Wearing a white wig and blue contacts, the young man had the disguise of a typical jogger— tracksuit and all. “Sorry for being late...”

-just an intro post lmao
- basically just reporting for duty!
- dressed as a jogger lmao
- will post party soon (but it’ll prob be what’s in my pc party w a bird)
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nukenin, ranger killer
october 31st
fuchsia city, kanto
contract killer
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mugen
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 13:18:03 GMT
mugen Avatar

his tongue clicked. and just when he was about ready to abandon the party. as the rest showed up in their own way. mugen would listen to the woman who spoke upon the communication device. "i like them already," he commented on 's request.

as arrived. mugen and his seviper, who remained coiled around him, stood at-ease for now. "oi, so you found a way in is what i'm hearin'?" he'd ask the fox-faced admin . "anyway, you lot can do what you want. i wanna go have some fun with that group, specifically that woman () and this guy." a menacing grin formed at the thought of the many interesting players within league's party.

sheathing his hooked swords. mugen would gently pat his seviper, "will get to play soon, friend. just give me a bit more time."

note: mugen is chatting with .

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[newclass=.light b]color: #a681af[/newclass]

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing